Thursday, February 17, 2005

Mid-term Help

For good help with your Mid-Term assignment, have a look at the following email from one of our excellent Surrey Librarians, Gordon Coleman, about use of the SFU Library's link to the MLA database.

In answer to Mr. Coleman's question, by the bye, we are here in Engl 101 indeed the first scholars to research blog writing. Consider yourselves pioneers in scholarship. [My own research will be appearing in journal publication later this year.]

I was just helping one of your students get started on his essay. For fun, I typed blog* into MLA. I did get hits, but they're related to the use of blogs as a writing tool in the ESL classroom -- i.e. nothing along the lines you're looking for. Can it be that no English lit profs are doing research on the blog as a writing form? I find this unlikely, but maybe it's true. If your students are looking for more material in addition to the blogging books on Reserve, they could try one or more of the Communication databases. Researchers in fields like Communication and Media Studies are going to town on this emerging topic. Not all the articles will be relevant, of course.
Hey, you could even post this email in your blog! If so, here are a few links for the students to follow up:
(1) MLA = Modern Languages Association Bibliography = search engine for English lit students
(2) Communications databases = choose any of the first three on this list:
(3) Direct link to the list of books on reserve for your course:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this...Post! It will definatly help with research. It does seem to be true that not many people are studying blogs the way we are. Every time i search blogs, it is just people blogging, not people talking about it... I am proud to be a pioneer of blog research!