Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Vancouver Fiction

As the first lecture laid out, our course focuses on Vancouver fiction. We are proceeding in main historically, from Pauline Johnson's re-telling of First Nations' accounts to Gibson & Coupland today, through some important narratives about experiences and perceptions in Vancouver as it grows and changes. As we have heard, these stories told not only allow us to relive a virtual reality of Vancouver's past, but have also influenced the present character that Vancouver has.

With Ethel Wilson, we have reached the Vancouver at a formative time in the early twentieth century.

[Tenuously a propos of that, click on the title of this post to see what is possibly a very early prefiguring of a challenge this city (& this province & this country) may come to face. The article is intriguing -- perhaps disturbing, perhaps not -- in any case.]

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